Power To You

Power to You is an e-learning program and community for young adults with disability.

The Power to You e-learning program will support you to gain the skills, knowledge and confidence you need to participate and contribute to your community, and help you to connect and form relationships with others.

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Getting Started

    • Welcome to Power To You

    • How to use this course

  • 2

    Module 1 - Inclusion and participation

    • Module overview

    • Meet Josh

    • Inclusion

    • Meet Matt

    • Barriers to my inclusion

    • Quiz: Inclusion

    • Your rights

    • Your valued roles

    • Quiz: My rights

    • Module 1 review

  • 3

    Module 2 - Planning

    • Module overview

    • Meet Emmy

    • What makes a good life

    • How do I decide what a good life is for me?

    • Quiz: A good life

    • My goals

    • My plan

    • My NDIS Plan

    • Quiz: Your goals, your plan and your NDIS plan

    • Module 2 review

  • 4

    Module 3 - Sharing information

    • Module overview

    • Meet Kate

    • Privacy and confidentiality

    • Quiz: Privacy and confidentiality

    • Sharing information with Providers

    • Quiz: Sharing information with your Provider

    • Module 3 review

  • 5

    Module 4 - My rights

    • Module overview

    • Meet Justin

    • Introduction

    • My rights

    • Discrimination

    • Speaking up for myself

    • Legal Advocates

    • Quiz: My rights

    • Module 4 review

  • 6

    Module 5 - My decisions

    • Module overview

    • Meet Olivia

    • Introduction

    • Making decisions as an adult

    • Making my decisions

    • Supported decision making

    • People I ask to help to make decisions

    • Substitute decision making

    • Guardians and Administrators

    • Quiz: My decisions

    • Module 5 review

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    Module 6 - Staying safe

    • Module overview

    • Meet Tiffany

    • Introduction

    • Staying safe

    • Safeguards

    • Informal safeguards

    • Formal safeguards

    • Safeguards and the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission

    • Quiz: Staying safe

    • Module 6 review

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    Module 7 - My home

    • Module overview

    • Meet Sean

    • Introduction

    • My independence

    • My home

    • Being ready

    • How can the NDIS help me?

    • Quiz: My home

    • Module 7 review

  • 9

    Module 8 - My legal documents

    • Module overview

    • Meet Sheetal

    • Introduction

    • Taking control of my future

    • Legal documents

    • Enduring Power of Attorney

    • Wills

    • Trusts

    • Special Disability Trusts

    • Advance Health Directive

    • Expression of Wishes

    • Quiz: My legal documents

    • Module 8 review

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    Module 9 - My Circle

    • Module overview

    • Meet Jasmin

    • Introduction

    • What is a Circle of Support

    • Who is in My Circle

    • My Circle Facilitator and Chairperson

    • My Circle Meetings

    • Quiz: My Circle

    • Module 9 review

  • 11

    Module 10 - Self advocacy in action

    • Powerful Voices music video

    • Behind the scenes - The creation of Powerful Voices

  • 12


    • Course resources and activities

  • 13

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    • Tell us what you think